Thursday, May 16, 2013

I Want to Get Out From Under this House!

Over the years, I've heard a lot of stories about why a house just doesn't fit anymore.  There have been divorces and medical problems, lost jobs, and relocation.  If we're honest, I've seen my share of drug problems, money management problems, loans that shouldn't have been made in the first place, and folks that shouldn't have bought a home in the first place.  I've seen DIY projects that NEVER should have been started because they either didn't come close to finishing or flat out shouldn't have been started in the first place.  I've had the very unique opportunity to see inside over a thousand homes.  Not much surprises me and I learned long ago to check all judgement at the door.

Whatever your reason for wanting out of your house, it's the right reason for you. 
And I would like to help you.    

I can buy your house with cash, 

close as-is, 

in less than 2 weeks.  

And you can get on with your life.

Call me today, or when you're ready:

Leslie Shull


Monday, March 18, 2013

Inheritance Got You Down?

When we think of inheritance, we may think of money or an estate.  We may think of Grandma's silver set - or maybe it's a croquet set depending on your family.  It can also mean a piece of property that you don't want anything to do with.  You don't want to live in it.  You don't want to be a landlord.  You don't want to deal with it - period.

This is a great time to call me.  I can help you not only with the property, but the contents if necessary.  Looking for a valuation opinion?  I can do that.
Looking for an opinion on what exactly you should do with the property - fix it up?  Rent it?  Sell it?  Move into it?  I can help you with that.

The important thing, is to do something.  And believe me, I know that taking action is not necessarily what you might want to do - but you'll always feel better after you do something.

Leslie Buyer Houses (and consults on property issues)